During the pause.

Back in January of 2020 when we officially launched Mess Hall, we had our heads full of exciting food focused workshops, classes, meals and warm get-togethers. We had a solid plan to light a fire and get people into the kitchen, cooking with friends and family, trying new recipes and techniques.

Then the Coronavirus did our job for us... very quickly, with no warning.

And now everyone is in the kitchen a whole lot more than ever! Making all the sourdough, baking all the banana bread, whipping all the Dalgona coffee.

Today our beloved Mess Hall sits empty, waiting for the time when we can start gathering again. But we don't know what that will look like; not yet. So we must wait, and be safe and care for one another while remaining in our small bubbles of self-isolation.

We have been brainstorming ways in which we can be of service to you while also caring for our families. As moms, like many of you, we are acting as referees, playmates and teachers in addition to the other at-home tasks. Fortunately, we all truly enjoy being in the kitchen, so that's where we're headed for ideas and to find some normalcy.

In the coming weeks, we will share new ideas of what Mess Hall can become for you and those of us in Toronto's East End. We hope you will enjoy following along with our experiments, recipes, news, and resources, to get us back in the kitchen together, apart.

Eat well, stay safe, take care of each other.


Phase 2.


Meet Libby.