Meet Gaby.

A self-taught vegan, gluten free chef and a Culinary Nutrition Expert, food is my passion.⁣

“Food is the way I share joy. You hang out with me, you eat!”⁣

When I switched to a plant-based diet, it opened my eyes to the taste, flavour, and texture of food in its most natural state. I discovered a variety of ingredients I didn't know existed, and I began experimenting to create beautiful, delicious, and nourishing meals. I dream of a world where harvesting, cooking and savouring is our default. Our instant culture has corrupted our palates, we’ve forgotten how food really tastes.⁣

I’ve made it my mission to help others bring their bodies from deprivation to abundance. Food can heal. It has the power to enhance us in mind, body and soul.⁣

My purpose is to use food to build community. Food is love when prepared with good intention and great ingredients.⁣

“EP 4: Life as a Culinary Entrepreneur”

Gaby Flores with Christopher Schoenwald

In this episode, we take a look at life as a culinary entrepreneur with Toronto based, Gaby Flores. Listen in as she dishes (pun intended) on her multifaceted food and wellness based initiatives.

Also, learn about how her unique background as a former UN World Food Programme public information officer shapes her work in the kitchen today.

Plus, hear about how she views her in person and online gatherings. Here’s a hint. She sees her events as something even deeper than the sharing of food! Have a listen for all of this and more!


Meet Libby.


It all began at the table.